2 definitions by Nesto Ferrera

1) consisting of a large sum of money
2) May also refer to something extremely 'cool' or enjoyable that a great amount of assets and wealth may be bartered for that event.
Fais: yo Lolek, thats a crazy car!!

Liron: yea Faisulski, it probably costs over 250k!!

Fais: Maad Lude!
by Nesto Ferrera May 13, 2009
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Tunaboob is defined as the intermediary stage in the development of a mans chest between a pectoral muscle and a man boob.
Friend 1: Hey Hanz, you gained weight! Now you have man boobs!

Friend 2: Not yet! He’s just grown into his tunaboobs!
Hanz: But I use to have pecs! Oh well...
by Nesto Ferrera February 7, 2018
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