2 definitions by NekoNai

Rough caked or rough caking.

To have rough passionate sex or to perform sexual acts in a caring non violent way where hair is often messed up and clothing is usually ruffled or torn.

In the same way you wouldn't buy a poorly made or roughed up cake for your mother you wouldn't introduce your partner to them just after rough caking.
After kissing my partner and groping her butt I said to her. "There you go I just rough caked you"
She replied "Rough caked, what on earth is that"
I replied "goodness knows, I have no idea"

It was in that very moment I decided to coin the term rough caked.

Rough Caking as noun.
Person 1 "What have you two been up to?"
Person 2 "Oh nothing, just a little bit of rough caking"
by NekoNai July 4, 2023
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The noun version of Rough Caked

To preform a sexual act in a rough non violent passionate way.
Person 1 "wow she's hot"
Person 2 "Yeah, I wouldn't mind doing bit of rough caking with her"
by NekoNai July 4, 2023
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