5 definitions by Mysterious dapper nigga

You jizz in a potato while skydiving and then you give a young naive 12 year old girl the potato while planning a BDSM party
Man: Eric is a bdsm god
Man: he tried the Romanian potato last week.
by Mysterious dapper nigga May 23, 2022
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When you are so poor you start eating tapeworms out of people for nutrition and get paid 1 Swiss frank per removed tapeworm
Man: I’m so poor
Man: you should try the polish tapeworm, it has many benefits
by Mysterious dapper nigga March 11, 2023
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When you are 13 and you finger an 11 year old boy
John John: p dog tried the Bolivian chicken wing yesterday.
Joss joss: he is a silly goose
by Mysterious dapper nigga January 16, 2023
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When you shit on the floor and jizz in someone’s pubes then shave the pubes off and mop the shit up with the pubes and they eat the pubes
Jj: I love the Zambian mop
Epstein : of course you do you dirty cunt
by Mysterious dapper nigga January 17, 2023
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Being really fat and also shit at rocket league
Man: James is a tubster
Man: Yes he’s really shit at rocket league and is also fat
by Mysterious dapper nigga March 11, 2023
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