1 definition by Myke Litori

Abbreviation of Fuck that Shit, but said when the situation does not permit you to say "Fuck that Shit".

Great uses include:
1. School,
2. Church,
3. With your Mother,
4. Around small children,
5. With Grandma,
6. When your toaster turns into an asshole and sets of your fire alarm. FUCK!
7. When that gay guy from work makes sexual innuendos in front of your boss!
Teacher: Hey children, take off your pants...again.
Student: Uck that Ish...
Mother: Sweetie, the report from the Doctor came in. It looks like your retarted and infected with Syphylis.
Troy: Uck that Ish!
Gay co-worker named Blaine: Hey big boy, could you uncap my pen? Its about to burst.
Harold: Uck that Ish...
by Myke Litori August 13, 2009
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