9 definitions by My Dixie Wrecked

The adjective form of testicle is testicular. The phrase should be "testicular fortitude".
I just met a guy who can't tell the difference between a noun and an adjective. It takes a lot of testicular fortitude to display your ignorance in public like that.
by My Dixie Wrecked November 26, 2003
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The now clearly visible vaginal opening of a freshly shorn sheep.
This also refers to a freshly trimmed woman of eastern European extraction who was particularly hairy before.
Wow, look at those freshly shorn sheep. I could really go for a little Shepherds Pie right now!
Katrina is so hot now after that trim. Her Shepherds Pie is making me hungry. I just want to dive right in there.
by My Dixie Wrecked May 13, 2005
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