1 definition by MusicalGecko

The most perfect, unique, awesome, athletic, hottest, prettiest, coolest, smartest, hyper, funniest, nicest person in the universe. She has all the guys drooling at her feet, but of course, she's taken by the most perfect guy in school, so the other guys just follow. She's popular and everyone begs to be her friend. Sure she has some haters, but she brushes them off, and they don't exist to her anymore. Sure, she's a little bit different, a little bit off, but that just adds a little flare to her creative, talented, musical mind. So what if she's a little OCD or ADD, it just makes her fun! She's the coolest German you know, and the coolest that you will ever know. She's a dinosaur...so RAWR! But watch out, her inner beast is FIERCE!
There's a Madalen! I wish I was a Madalen, they are so great.
by MusicalGecko January 29, 2011
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