2 definitions by Ms. 7ral

The original god of chadhancement, swolebro Chad Thundercock. Bringer of the deeps, drinker of the dew and visionary of the vipes.

Some say he doesn't have eyes only a second pair of sunglasses. They say this because it is true.
*sigma male grindset song plays*

Person A: "Why is every enhance shaman an insane bodybuilder with a god complex?"

Person B: "Holderhek."
by Ms. 7ral November 24, 2021
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Hard As a Motherfuckin' Grown Ass Man

The natural evolution of H.A.M. (an acronym for Hard As a Motherfucker popularized by Kanye West and Jay-Z) for when you are going even harder in a way that only a grown ass man can.
Dude: It's time to go H.A.M.G.A.M. bro!
Bro: H.A.M.G.A.M.?
Dude: Hard as a motherfuckin' grown ass man!
Bro: Bro.
Dude: Bro.
by Ms. 7ral August 17, 2013
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