2 definitions by Mr. Mr

Stupid little whiney shits that try sound slightly american (their balls haven't dropped). Great yeah they can play their own instruments but aren't bands supposed to be able to play them anyway? No doubt they will split up soon and another band like them will take over.
News: The band Mcfly announced today that they will be ending their career, but no worries as a new band named Mcbusted will be making their debut soon.

Me: when will it end?
by Mr. Mr October 2, 2006
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Makes you fell pissed off when you get one, but if you have the resources to blow its fucking ass out your PC that can feel good.
Not a fucking virus! Never mind my anti virus software will eat it for breakfast...
*Virus slaughtered to its electric death*
Have that you trojen shit!
by Mr. Mr October 2, 2006
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