2 definitions by Mr. Mets

What your Jewish friend becomes when they pick you up — in a post 2015 model vehicle — promptly following an impromptu call or text
@7:45 Gretchen types ->Morty let's go to the dispensary! They just got a new strain called — Pandemic Guerrilla Panic — but Mary-Jany Fonda Gretchen's Honda Fit is in the shop atm so you can pick me up at my apartment, ya?

@7:48 Mordecai types ->Your trip is confirmed and your jUber driver Morty is en route to 730 Highland Avenue.

@7:53 Gretchen types -> Yay! You're a mench

@7:56 Mordecai types -> Morty will be arriving soon

@ 7:58 Mordecai types-> your jUber has arrived
by Mr. Mets April 12, 2021
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Like Apples and Oranges, but with Humans...... as noms
Human 1: Why would it be weird if you're straight male friend grabbed your gay female friends' butt, but it wasn't weird when your gay male friend T-Ed just grabbed your straight female friends' tits and screaming "HeeeeeyyyyyAiimmmeeeeWaaasssupGurrrl!!!" at the party?

Human2: Got me. Peaches and Bananas bruh...
by Mr. Mets March 3, 2020
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