2 definitions by Mr. Bubbly

As one attempts to continue the process of getting stoned, he passes the pipe. Unfortunately, he disrespects his peers by holding on to the lighter, thus leaving his comrades without a fire creating device. This creates a situation in which the smoking stops and nothing can proceed until said lighter is returned to the disrespected comrade.
Person #1: (Passes pipe to next individual)
Person #2: Dammit quite rat-nappin, I need the damn lighter. Next thing we know you're going to start stall-katin during the next rotation.
by Mr. Bubbly January 20, 2010
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As one so innocently stoned receives the pipe and begins talking to the group, he slows down the process of getting high. His talking and stopping of the smoking module creates a diversion to get the group talking. This process is known as scat-katin.
Man 1: man I was so close to pulling an angry dragon on this MILF when all of a sudden I...
Man 2: woah woah woah man you're scat-katin man dont slow the process.
by Mr. Bubbly December 17, 2009
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