2 definitions by Mr Half-written Dictionary

The world's funniest Google website. Simply choose a language, do an Irish jig on your computer keyboard, and you will get a VERY accurate translation. For example, fryfryfryfryfryfryfry from Welsh becomes "wondrous wonders". Incredible!
With the power of Google translate, I can turn "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." into "Long walls and black anger."!!!
by Mr Half-written Dictionary April 28, 2021
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Just your average KitKat ripoff found in Indian dollar stores, selling near you for just 3 (insert your local currency name here) We have yet to determine whether this is just a joke or a serious money-making idea.
Friend: Hey have you tried a KatKot? I got it from that Korean ripoff store in town, and it doesn't actually taste that bad.
by Mr Half-written Dictionary April 28, 2021
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