1 definition by Mizzy406

Nina Tucker is a fictional character from the Japanese show and manga. Fullmetal Alchemist, written by Hiromu Arakawa Her father Shou Tucker, was a State Alchemist who was but on the map for creating the first ever Chimera to be able to speak the human tongue. Apparently it died a few days after being created. It was later revealed that Shou Tucker merged his wife and an animal to make that Chimera. Due to an upcoming State Alchemist Test that would determine wether or not Shou would be able to stay a State Alchemist he merged his daughter Nina with there family dog Alexander. To form a new Chimera that could speak. When the main characters Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric discover this they are horrified. Shou gets arrested because this form of Alchemy is forbidden. Nina escapes her confinement and gets lost in the streets of Central. She encountered the main antagonist of the story Scar. He decided to end there suffering and imploded them. Where Edward and Alphonse found her remains. It haunts them and many viewers to this day.
"Edward...Big Brother Ed." Nina Tucker croaked.
by Mizzy406 June 13, 2019
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