1 definition by Milton L. Rowlands


The idea that currency, government and business must be decentralised and placed in the power of the public in such a way that no central power structure is formed as a means to end corruption on all levels.

This would be an attempt at a true democracy where we do not vote others into power but vote on every affair on a regional, national and international level, therefore the public retains its power and a true democracy is achieved.

Corruption has long been an issue in society and Decentralism would fix this by not allowing one person to gain any more power than anyone else.

The ideal decentralised society would remove any bank and any federal reserve and create a decentralised world cryptocurrency that would be created based on how much people would need in their lifetime (same amount for everybody) and would be handed out automatically to everyone who is enrolled onto the system at a single payment every month.

The world would move towards automation of jobs by robotics and artificial intelligence and humans would be free to enjoy their lives and spend their time as they please.

Federal agencies such as Mi5, Mi6, the CIA and FBI and any other would have complete public oversight so as to avoid corruption in those agencies too.

To conclude, Decentalism is the most logical ideology if one is morally opposed to corruption, poverty, abuse of power and crimes against humanity.

Let Decentralism prevail before our society does fail.
Non-Centralism: The idea that power and influence should not be handed to individuals in government and power should be distributed the everyone equally in order to rid society of all corruption and ways of creating corruption.

Person 1) Dude, we should totally start a revolution and decentralise the government’s and the worlds currency in order to end corruption on a worldwide scale.

Person 2) Yeah bro, but people aren’t woke enough for that at this current point in human history.

Person 1) Yeah you’re right, people are idiots, always giving their authority over to ‘officials’ without ever questioning the stupidity of it all... who makes them ‘official’ anyway.

Person 2) You know, if people thought more like this... as in, for themselves, then the world would be a lot better for everyone.

We’ve let the government ‘officials’ lie to us in every election thats ever been had and theres still children going hungry because of their greed and ignorance, it has to end somehow.

Person 1) Yeah, that’s exactly why we need to decentralise and distribute the power the governments have back to the general public as well as use a decentralised currency.
by Milton L. Rowlands January 3, 2021
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