1 definition by Mikey See

A drinking game involving "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC and any number of players, who stand in a circle, and bring 2 drinks each, (you'll need both). The song is played, and any time any variation of the word 'thunder' (thunder, thunderstruck, etc) is said in the song, the first person in line starts drinking, and keeps drinking until the word is said again, which is when the next person starts drinking, and so on. This continues around the circle until the end of the song. There are 2 solos, which is the worst spot to have.
"Hey man we should definitely play thunder at this party"
"Yeah dude, but I gotta make sure I don't get the solo again. Last time we played I woke up in a ditch with a homeless man tickling my B-Hole"
by Mikey See October 18, 2013
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