1 definition by Memelorddd

A scale to determine an atractivness or "hotness" of a female.

1: Literally a ogre
2: One of those fat feminists you see in YouTube

3: Comparable to the attractiveness of a bear
4: Mediocre. Sometimes plump
5: The attractiveness of your mother to you
6: Fine, okay. Nothing else.

7: Good. Well curved. Commonly described as cute
8: A pretty girl. Comparable to that girl you're crushing on but is across the room and you can't muster the courage to talk to her.

9: Fabulous. Red carpet worthy. Sexiest girl on campus except for...
10: The hottest female in the world. Brighter than the sun. She has not been born yet because she will destroy the universe with her hottness.

There are of course, many decimals in between the integers.
Dammmnnnn, rate her on the 1-10 female Attractiveness scale. Created by the genius who wrote the description m.

Aiightt nigga. like a 8.6 at best.
by Memelorddd September 8, 2016
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