1 definition by Megan <3s U!

Juan is a sweet good looking guy with a nice personality, but can be a sarcastic prick sometimes. Juan can be pretty dense, and freaking weird too! also gets angry at the smallest things But is very smart and great to talk to when your sad and need a shoulder to cry on. Juan is also the type of guy who can pull off the nerdy look and make it sexy ;) knows how to treat women and is known for being a VERY cute son of a bitch! Stubborn as fuck though! HAHA. and because Juan is mexican he is an amazingly sexy dancer! ;D but is shy and quiet so he's not easy to talk to. And his smile is even sexier!!! he loves reading and writing poetry, making music, and nature and isnt afraid of being sensitive making him a a real romantic! and his kisses are soft and gentle and when he says something he means it so in other words Juan's the perfect bf! mmmmuah ;* hahaha If you ever catch a Juan, ladies, NEVER let that boy go!!!
Juan gets angry too easily but he's soooo cute!
I kissed Juan yesterday and his lips felt amazing!!!
Juan's sooo nerdy and weird. He's always talking about pokemon and super mario
by Megan <3s U! November 16, 2011
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