1 definition by Meg Drizzle

Whitelaw is also known in the stoner eyes as a law that you DONT have to follow and it makes it so your INCAPABLE of getting arrested. Its like a force field of amzingness. If you know a Whitelaw then give them all your offerings because they will eventully equipt you with secrets of the WHITE-LAW!!!
Boy- Who is that bitch over there, touching everyones nipples without even a thought of sex-offending charges?

Other boy- Oh I think I might have heard of that gurl before

Boy- Well then, hook me up with some info bro!! Who is she?

Other boy- Oh shit man if you dont know I should tell you........ Mutha fucking MEG DIZZLE WHITELAW

Boy- Oh... I know her
by Meg Drizzle January 11, 2011
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