10 definitions by Martin Duxon

The dignified and serene delivery of a stool, without splashback.

To dispense with the contents of ones rectum; crimp one off; release a payload from the bomb bay; fire off a missile; smoke a bum cigar.
"it was like a burial at sea, a ghost poo even, there was no sound or splash or even anything on the paper and it vanished round the u-bend as though it was never even there."
by Martin Duxon August 6, 2003
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A condition arising after drinking too much of the soft drink "Irn Bru". Has the unusual effect of rendering your stools into particularly pungent dark, dense iron-like ingots that cut through the bog water as though it wasnt there, often producing considerable splashback and chipping the porcelain.
"I went to drown the chocolate slugs but it turned out to be a turd so big it couldnt be dispensed without vocal assistance, a groaner"
by Martin Duxon August 8, 2003
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To move along a line of naked women who are all bending down, and spank their bottoms - which are of varying sizes - with one’s penis; to play a tune on women's buttocks. From the Greek xylo meaning ‘wood’ and phonnicus meaning ‘to hit tunefully’
by Martin Duxon August 8, 2003
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