2 definitions by Mars Argo

The place behind the bookshelves in a second hand bookshop that they hide the Ecced salad.
Guy who just got dumped: Hey bookkeeper, do you have any salad?
Bookkeeper: Yeah, check the wgrt.
by Mars Argo April 8, 2018
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To reject a salad that ones date has offered them on the second time they see each other.

Past tense: Ecced
Present/future tense: Ec
Friend: Did he offer you a salad?
Friend 2: Yes! I Ecced the heck out of that one. Was that ever a red flag!

Teenage boy to his date: Would you like some salad? I made it just for you.
Tennage Boy’s date: Oh, um, ec... thanks though.
by Mars Argo April 8, 2018
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