2 definitions by Marla Singer

A game played with two sets of headphones (or one.. if it's all you have) and an iPod. Basically, you pass the iPod back and forth between people and each picks a song they like. It is best when played with two people, but the more the merrier, I'm sure. To make it more fun, pick a theme like love songs, or songs that begin with a certain word. Doing that can make it competitive, like a last person standing type deal.
I can't believe we haven't played iPod tag yet. I have the best theme: sex songs that mention anal.
by Marla Singer October 6, 2006
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A female term for masturbation. Where 'tickling' would be touching/caressing and 'cat' would be a safer word for 'pussy' meaning the vagina.
Still haven't had an orgasm? Have you tried tickling the cat to spark it?
by Marla Singer July 7, 2004
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