1 definition by Mario McAleffen

In the sense of "birther" or "truther", this conspiracy theorist believes that Osama bin Laden in not dead and that his death has been faked.
that one paranoid guy at Starbucks who thinks Obama is hiding bin Laden at Area 51, Bush blew the levee, Cheney bombed the Towers, JFK was killed by CIA and the moon landing was faked
"...and try to release DNA to confirm the claim. That can be doctored!! Then they tossed the body in the ocean! And they said he was in the compound for six years...why did they wait? Was he dead? No! Is he dead now? No, Obama is hiding him in a freezer and waited for the right time...!"
(under breath) "Deather."
by Mario McAleffen May 5, 2011
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