1 definition by Marco Rolando Dos Santos

Pula is a srbian vlachen dajnostri Word or romanian Word for Penis (vlachen sind besser als romänen) you can also say kuraz or
Keulie ( which are the balls)
1. Example: Yo sin Pula Mare ka Salami (i am the one with a Penis like a Salami)

2. Yo bagge Pula in mumata (i Stick my dick in your mother)

3. Samo schejoke pe keulie (you only Play with your Balls)

4. Lasse Pula innuntru ( hide your Penis)

These we're some examples for the Word Pula in srbja vlachos loccos Style

I am a vlachos loccos dajnostru WHO can speak English

Dajnostri 4 Life

Srbija patrioti ✌️

Guapo Marco Rolando dos Santos
by Marco Rolando Dos Santos December 2, 2021
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