1 definition by Made me look

ˈē / ˈī / ˈbē

EIB is the pinnacle representation of mandatory fun. Contestants, often referred to as one or more of at least 20 words and or/ phrases, compete against themselves in a series of challenges, while being graded by superiors, peers, and subordinates. While annually conducted, the challenges remain the same; with the rules changing.

Of important note, if an individual fails a challenge, they may declare a rematch; which adds to the authenticity of/ legitimacy of the games.

If successful, the individual gains the illustrious blue broach; color derived from fabricated concepts based on the social construct of misogynistic alpha males living in unrealistic and misguided realities.
Failed contestants restart the training and partake in challenges in a purgatorial cycle of suffering fitness, mental acuity, and family stability.

I can’t believe you actually read my toilet literature. No really, I’m writing this while naked on the toilet. Just throw me an upvote will ya?
I just got my (EIB). I can now wield a false sense of power and authority; sharing my false sense of expertise to all who are within earshot.
by Made me look November 5, 2022
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