1 definition by MACDOODLE

The way around the constitution third term for big Bill-Defender of the sometimes i am woman; sometimes tearful, feel sorry for me its personal, hillary. ( think hillar'y s tears and helen reddy's "i am woman" playing in the background.) WOMEN- try not to vomit. The DLC duo who dine with the Bushes AND claim democrat. Only thing missing is claiming independent; which with all those corporations behind them, well, they could afford to be an independent nation,not answerable to you and me. And maybe they shall.
1.Is Billary tag teaming Obama and Edwards again? 2.If Billary gets the nod, bring your blue dress. Bill gets needy when Hillary is busy.3.Billary is proof a woman can only while using her man.
by MACDOODLE January 24, 2008
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