1 definition by M. Tatterscratch

A symbol of the fact that, win or lose, we Confederates are still here, and that YOU should get used to it.

Think of this flag as the banner of a government in exile, like that of Tibet, or the Jewish Nation before 1948. It is a symbol of a nation's ineradicable memory of the past and patient hope for the future.

And, although you may chase it from the statehouses and public squares, you will never, ever chase it from the hearts of free-thinking Southerners.

In Southern hearts, my friends, is where the true soil of the Confederacy still lies, waiting to nourish the fruits of a new spring, and it is in that soil that this flag is immovably and eternally planted.

(Not a bad disquisition for a "lower-class redneck loser", eh?)
"The rebel flag truly flies in the heart of that gentleman..."
by M. Tatterscratch August 7, 2007
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