1 definition by Lungchafe

A nick used by people (usually morons) on nearly every website ever.
Often combined with numbers or words such as "Sephiroth666" and "x-sephi_luver-x"

Originates from Final Fantasy VII, a video game that has lost all its originality and charm due to endless remakes, fanfics, movies and other spin-off games.
<sephiroth69> omg hav u seen advent chidlren sephi is hawtlol
<darkbloodsamurai> I KNOWE!111
<sephiroth69> wana rp
<darkbloodsamurai> ok den, il b reno u b sephi
<sephiroth69> i remove my trench caot and kiss u softly on the neck
by Lungchafe June 6, 2006
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