1 definition by Lukeshen


1) The name Hwidong is associated with extreme violence, often of that of a young man with high iq but that has mental illness such that of a psychopath.

2) The weakness of Hwidong is Ernie’s dog, with Ernie’s dog the darkness of Hwidong will be slayed.

Examples: Hwidong would often times say things such as “I’ll eat your dog” “yes no maybe” “that is not me” out of random.

Hwidong posses the iq of Einstein but has the maturity of a 4 year old. (Iq range 135-165)
John Doe: “I’ll support you all”

Hwidong: “We'll see if you can say that again

Hwidong: “After I eat your doag
by Lukeshen March 11, 2022
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