1 definition by Lovethattain

Tim is an enigma of a man. With a killer beard. He is patient, he is kind. When a Tim loves you, by god do you know it.
A smile from a Tim will make you weak at the knees, whoever you are you will be unable to resist.
Tim is unbelievably intelligent and never seizes to amaze you. He is reserved and likes to keep his personal life just that, personal. Which makes him even more of a mystery. But when or if you get the luxury to get to know Tim, you’re brain will explode with love. Loving a Tim can be scary, because you know you’ll never meet anybody like this again in your life. He has an arse like you’ve never seen in your life, and his northern accent makes you wish you were naked. You think you know what a good kiss is? Wait until you’ve kissed Tim. If you are ever lucky enough to have sex with Tim, congratulations. You’ve just had the best sex of your life.

If you fall in love with a Tim, within days you’ll want to marry the shit out of him.
‘Hey what do you think of Tim? I think he’s so hot.’
“I think you should go shit yourself, he’s mine and if you try anything I swear to pie I’ll stab you in the pupil.”
‘Ok hun, no worries.’
by Lovethattain February 10, 2019
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