4 definitions by Lovah18

The inflection of verbs.

The whole set of inflected forms of a verb or the recital or display thereof in a fixed order: The conjugation of the Latin verb amo begins amō, amas, amat.

A class of verbs having similar sets of inflected forms: the Latin second conjugation.

That is the 1st conjugation in Latin for the word amo.
by Lovah18 October 8, 2006
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The inflection of verbs.

The whole set of inflected forms of a verb or the recital or display thereof in a fixed order: The conjugation of the Latin verb amo begins amo, amas, amat.

A class of verbs having similar sets of inflected forms: the Latin second conjugation.

That is the 1st conjugation in Latin for the word amo.
by Lovah18 February 24, 2007
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One of the first things many people will learn when taking Latin.

First Conjugation

amo:I love
amas: You love
amat: He, She, or It loves
amamus: We love
amatis: You (plural) love
amant: They love

Miranda- What language did you take in highschool?
Hans- I took Latin.
Miranda- Oh really? Me too! Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant!
by Lovah18 February 8, 2007
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One of the first things many people will learn when taking Latin.

First Conjugation

amo:I love
amas: You love
amat: He, She, or It loves
amamus: We love
amatis: You (plural) love
amant: They love
Samantha- I took Latin in Highschool.
Miranda- Oh really? Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant!

by Lovah18 October 8, 2006
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