1 definition by Louie the Red

A New Zealand Politician who redefined that nation's political culture by appearing sooo nice that she wont lower herself to actually answer any questions, but simply tilts her head on one side and smiles with an understanding look spreading the watermelon sugar far and wide. She thereby created a race to be nicer than the other politician Karens, thereby claiming the moral high-ground in all debate.

To do a Jacinda is to utter meaningless platitudes while appearing like you are the better person. A very sophisticated form of passive aggressive behaviour, or how to appear like the ONLY grown up in the room.
Justin - is it true that Ed Sheeran asked to sing at Jacinda Adern's wedding?
Yes Emmanuel, but she refused because she doesn't deserve Perfect, she's going Ghetto Spread cos of all the poor children of the world getting the Rona.
Just Thinking Out Loud Justin, but none of us woke yesterday, her Main Character Syndrome will want him to beg for it first.
by Louie the Red June 26, 2021
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