1 definition by Lord Blake

A given name, means a dark, pallid color.

To me, Blake means many things. Love, hatred, compassion, envy, respect, lust, rightousness, corruption...

Blake is usually somebody that leads many lives.

A normal one, that his friends, coworkers, and relatives see him as.

A troubled side, where all his unanswered questions and curiosities lie.

A kind side, where he is cheerful, helpful, and fun to be around.

And an evil side, where he plots to steal, kill, and corrupt.

He is usually a man of skill, being a computer hacker, scientist, or someone else with a very high IQ
Jill: hey, Jack, look at Blake over there.

Jack: what about him
Jill: *shiver* isn't there something about him that creeps you out?
Jack: you're right... I hope he doesn't shoot up the school or something.
by Lord Blake September 15, 2009
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