24 definitions by Lisa Parnell

The vivacious blonde starfucker that was murdered in the TV show "Veronica Mars" which made the title character investigate her murder and expose her real murderer.
Lilly Kane: "High on life, Veronica Mars. I've got a secret. A good one.” - Pilot

Me: "Which character do you like off Veronica Mars?"
You: "Mmm. hard to decide between Weevil and Logan. You?"
Me: "I totally like Lilly Kane, wish there was more of the flashback scenes and stuff in the second and third season."
by Lisa Parnell April 18, 2008
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Ooh, which High School Musical couples are your favourite - Troyella or Chaylor??
by Lisa Parnell December 3, 2007
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The nickname of the computer whiz character of Cindy Mackenzie off the detective show "Veronica Mars". She also uses a Macintosh laptop. She has colourful streaks in her hair that changes every season of the show (blue in first season, red in the second, and yellow-blonde in the third season)
VERONICA MARS: I'm Veronica, by the way.
MAC: Mac.
VERONICA MARS: Is that 'cause you're good with computers?
MAC: Ah, no, 'cause my last name's MacKenzie. How did you know I was good at computers?

ME: "I watched the last episode of Veronica Mars last night, I wish there was more!"
YOU: "I know. Which is your fave character?"
ME: "Veronica, obviously, and Logan cos I love his quips, but Mac is my most favorite."
by Lisa Parnell February 8, 2009
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