2 definitions by Ligmacorp

1.When you are getting some sweet head (Similar to sloppy toppy)
2. A situation in which you are being screwed over but it is either funny or the results are still good.
1. " Bro that soro-ri-whore from the party last night was good at guacing cock"

2. Person 1: Bro jess and chelsea are both trying to get with you man.

Person 2: You gotta be guacing my cock bro they are both too fine to decide.
by Ligmacorp April 15, 2021
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A classic astrology thottie straight out of the tri-delt or other sorority house.
Frat Bro 1: "Hey dude I think the brothers going to The Chicken Chocker for some drinks, you tryna hang?"
Frat Bro 2:"Only if there are some sorori-whores there bro im trying to get one of those saggitiddies to ride on my caprihorn or whatever the fuck they are always talking about"
by Ligmacorp April 15, 2021
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