1 definition by Liamdaneryan

UK Midland's slang for any person who is looked upon unfavourably. Edd can sometimes be used as an extreme derogatory term, connoting a strong sense of negativity. An Edd is often Judaism, usually willing to perform ass to mouth with those who he comes in to contact with. In the west midlands where the phrase has been adapted more commonly in every day language, an Edd can also refer to a Zebra's sexual organs and/or a male who is interested in human excretion fetishes (SCAT) and Panic at the disco.
1. Pass the joint Liam and stop being an Edd

2. Your sideburns are pretty Edd

3. When I was diagnosed with cancer and aids I was so ashamed of myself, but then my father reminded me that it could be worse and that at least i'm not Edd.

4. Edd is gay
by Liamdaneryan September 17, 2006
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