1 definition by Lets Go Knicks!

Livingston, NJ, so much to say about this town...First lets start at the high school which they are called the lancers. Umm, wait a second, what the fuck is a lancer? Some sort of a knight, how did this rich town end up with being some sort of weird code name for a knight that unless you live in livingston you probably have never heard of the word before. And onto the kids, which mainly consist of only two types of people, jews and asians. Seriously, this town is way over 50% jewish and somehow seems to also be over 50% asain. If you go to livingston and last more then 5 minutes without seeing a jew or asian i think a miracle has just occured. All the jews are also the jappiest jews you will find anywhere, the all are insanly rich and smart, plus the girls are complete bitches, and the guys arn't too far from them either. They all wear whatever either costs the most or (for the girls) is the least amount of clothing they can find or (for the guys) is the longest shorts they can find. Then you go to the asians who like never seem to be away from each other, i dont think that they ever actually hang out with anyone but other asians. The worst part is looking at the lunch tables, one table is full of the sluts, one full of the jocks, one full of the asians, then you have the random freshman, sophmore, junior, and senior tables around the room, they are completely seperated into specific groups. They all have their clicks and if you leave yours then your stuck with nothing. Then lets go to how smart these kids are, well do i even have to say? It's a town filled with jews and asians can they not all be geniuses? To even be in like the top 10% of the class you need a GPA over 4! YES OVER 4! And then everyone is stuck with like 3.8 gpas, so sad thats just a horrible gpa right? Then like to make sure they keep it up, the parents all just yell at their kids if they get anything under A's which makes everything just get impossible.

Now lets get away from the school and go to the actual town. Where do all these kids hang out at night whats to do in this town? silence THERE'S ALSO NOTHING TO DO AT NIGHT IN THIS TOWN! If you walked around the whoel town the only place you could even find kids is in starbucks! STARBUCKS! its a coffee shop?! why is almost the entire town hanging out in a coffee shop?! Well when there is absolutely nothing else in the entire down but a starbucks, i guess thats what they're stuck doing. So besides starbucks, the kids just end up going over each others houses and having parties. Now remember this town is full of rich people, so of course all the kids have all the money they want so they go out and get all the drugs and alcohol that kids can have. Almost every1 in the entire town has either been drunk, high or had cigerettes by the time they end their freshman year of HS! It's almost a given that every1 here does drugs.

Well thats livingston, its really not that bad of a town, its really fun and lots of coo peeps to hang with, but also VERY easy to make fun of so thats what all this is
Livingston is a town full of jews, and asians, thats all rich and insanly smart with absolutely nothing to do on nights
by Lets Go Knicks! November 23, 2005
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