1 definition by LeagueMaster3000

League of Legends players' who are normal quiet players. All of a sudden, they say toxic remarks such as: "kill yourself" "i hope you jump off a bridge" "cancer" "autism" or all of the above at the same time. These are players who feel insecure about themselves. They're the type of players to act innocent if you call them out on their toxicity in post-game chat, If they act innocent after they flame someone mid-game then they have a severe case of League Syndrome. They're the type of players to justify their negative attitude.

If you want a master manipulator then you need someone who has League Syndrome because those fuckers take shit out of their ass and smear it on their chat box.
Player 1: "Can you stop being toxic?"
Player 2: "Shut the fuck up faggot piece of shit you cancerous toxic fuck, you're the toxic one."
by LeagueMaster3000 October 19, 2016
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