3 definitions by Layla jay

A gay ass motherfucker that can keep his dick in his pants
“Rusty needs to chill out sometimes with his small dick of his”
by Layla jay January 29, 2020
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A Gay ass motherfucker that can’t keep his dick in his pants. If you see or meet a Rusty don’t be friends with him or get on his nerves. He usually gets pissed off easily so get off his dick. (If he has one) Rusty always has a girl best friend that has a lot in common. Sometimes people that know him say he’s to gay to function. Many girls like him but it’s to bad because he has the most gayest name in the world. But a lot of guys want to be him
Damn it’s to bad Rusty’s gay
by Layla jay January 29, 2020
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