1 definition by Lauren & the DC Girls

1. Sigh of relief.
2. Sigh of exhaustion.
3. Term used in an awkard situation , when nothing else seems to fit.
4. Term used in place of answer, when answer is absolutely foregin to the person in question.
1. "YES!! Even though I am extremely sexually active, I just got my period! I'm not pregnant, foof!"

2. Oh foof. I'm so lame for not going out, but i'm just so tired... let's drink some wine.

3. Jessica: "Hey Lauren, I'm going to go see my boyfriend this weekend. How many condoms do you think I should bring? Condoms protect against crabs right?"
Lauren: "Oh, foof!"

4. Brittany: "Oh my GOD, my pet turtle Tito is dry-heaving and just halked up something onto the side of his tank. What do you think that means?? Will he die?"
Lacey & Teanna: "Oh, foof!"
by Lauren & the DC Girls November 15, 2006
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