1 definition by Langwij Man

There are two types of people in this world: those who enjoy a Dirty Euan and those who are liars. A Dirty Euan is when a man will shave of all body hair (Ass,willy,back,balls,etc.) and head hair. He then proceeds to lather himself up in rice pudding, custard or porridge(with the consistency of snot) and then enter another male through the back entrance headfirst, at no less than 27mph. Once inside he must spin to provide please and clean the rectum for later use. He then pulls out his head and ejaculates into a hot chocolate and shares it with their partner(s). To end this fine act of love making foreskin must be stretched if present, if not toothpick stabbing inbetween the toes is perfectly acceptable.
Woman 1: "Did you hear what david did to owen?"

Woman 2: "OMG!YES! what a stunner I wish I could get a dirty euan like that."
by Langwij Man April 18, 2020
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