1 definition by Kyui11

The Potions Master at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. In book 6, he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and in the 7th, became the Headmaster and got killed by Lord Voldemort's snake, Nagini. To this day, no one knows if his portrait resides in the Headmaster's room, but seeing as how he was a one, most guess yes. He at first had a goatee in the book's illustrations, but since portrayed by Alan Rickman, he apparently shaved it off. He has many fangirls (me included), but I am one of the sane ones, people. He is also extremely hot. And yes I had to say that.
Severus Snape is extremely smart and handsome. He loves Lily Evans, who marries James Potter instead, and turned over to the good side the moment Voldemort threatened her. I love him, but I know that it will never happen.
by Kyui11 June 15, 2009
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