1 definition by Kubalay

This strange species can be found in an online game called Darkfall. What person has the most elaborate lies in the world, my guess is that there are lots of contenders. This species however must be one of the best shit talkers ever. To persuade females he thrusts out his darkfall epeen, generally shorter than his neighbors, but he does try anyway. The type of females he does attract generally leave him within the month, his mother abandoned him at just two days old. With inadequate utensils he finds himself alone once more. It is believed, though not yet confirmed, that this species is loathed by the Darkfall community.
Kubalay : Person that loves the sound of his own voice.
Runs from 1v1s.
Gets fucked up at every turn.
Is in general part of the "you mad bro camp"
by Kubalay September 25, 2011
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