2 definitions by KoolieKat943

Areeba means wise and witty.

She is the girl who gets all the attention and she has a heart of gold and always brightens up a room by her presence.
Ppl that lose Areeba in their life will be in instant regret whether they admit to it or not. She does not let ppl walk over her.
Areeba is loved by all the girls and boys.
Areeba is the best!

I love her!
by KoolieKat943 June 10, 2018
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An extraordinary girl who truly is a gift of God. One of the most beautiful and trustworthy person you'll meet. Try's her best to please and help others no matter what. A gifted and pure soul who always sees the good in people even if they make her feel miserable. She may have a bit of an attitude but would never means anything that sounds disrespectful and always apologizes. Will always be there for you when no one else is, listens to you when no one else can, understands you so you don't feel alone, and will always remember you in a kind-hearted way. She might come off as "shy or weird" but she really is a kind and funny person.
"Heey Manha, wanna eat lunch with us?"
"Thank you so much for offering but I'm very very sorry I'm not able to today but we always can tomorrow or after that, I'm sorry."
by KoolieKat943 November 4, 2021
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