1 definition by Kiwisinthenight
Pronounced with a hard 'g' sound the 'g' in 'goat' or 'galaxy'), this is a relatively common Australian/New Zealand slang word for 'take a quick look at'. Is synonymous with 'gander' and 'squiz'.
Most commonly used preceeding the word 'giz' (contraction of 'give us', meaning 'Can I take a look at?' or 'Can I have?'). This is very informal english used mainly among people who know each other, and is not considered suitable for formal situations.
Most commonly used preceeding the word 'giz' (contraction of 'give us', meaning 'Can I take a look at?' or 'Can I have?'). This is very informal english used mainly among people who know each other, and is not considered suitable for formal situations.
by Kiwisinthenight April 25, 2011