1 definition by Kirkland (thats right Kirk)

Twinkie Seperation Anxiety

Common among those of us carrying quite a bit of extra poundage around the waist (not that they have a waist) - and the rest of your motherfucken bodies - , Twinkie Seperation Anxiety , or TSA , is a medical disease and should be treated as such. This is where Fat - Fat - Fatties go into shock when they ares seperated from their damn twinkies. Common indicators of such syndrome include; sweating, vomiting (followed by the eating and indegestion of said vomit in a desperate attempt to keep Twinkies within the system), crying, pathetic snivelling , etc. Sufferers of this disease will take rash measures to get thier fix. This may include robbery, murder , and cannabalism. Fat People suck. Be warry of their fat asses.
Fat people need their goddamn twinkies before they develope TSA.
by Kirkland (thats right Kirk) December 12, 2010
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