2 definitions by KingBananarchist

A person who believes all humans are stinky and that a primitive-anarchist society is the only way.
A bananarchist can be anti-capitalist or pro-capitalist, but the common enemy is humans
Human 1: Wait why is that guy so hostile?

Human 2: He's a Bananarchist he hates humans

Human 1: oh
by KingBananarchist September 11, 2020
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A person who hates stinky humans and wants a primitive-anarchist society.
Bananarchism doesn't have to be anti-capitalist or pro-capitalist, however the common enemy are humans.
Human 1: Why is that man so hostile?

Human 2: He's a bananarchist, he hates humans
by KingBananarchist September 11, 2020
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