2 definitions by King Of Werd

Deep Indie is music that you can't find ANYWHERE except the deepest reaches of the Internet, at local coffeeshops, and on podcasts like SOCIETY'S BASEMENT. Usually Deep Indie artists release their music digitally on platforms like Soundcloud and Bandcamp.
girl- "I just love that Real Indie Music!"
guy- "Oh, like The Black Keys?"
girl- "Well, that's okay, but i'm talking real- like DEEP INDIE. Like Rubber Clown Car, or Electric Cake Salad, or The Droids!"

guy (who hasn't heard any of those, but wants to seem cool anyway)- "Uh, yeah! That stuff, uh, rocks!"
by King Of Werd March 31, 2017
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1 - A highly intensionally nonsensical 106-card oracle deck, think Tarot... But with weird characters, cool nudity, and cursing!

2 - The brand behind the deck, which also does a variety of other cool and bizarre designs and Memes and other manners of high holy weirdness.
I just ordered a 3rd edition Arcane Bullshit deck.

Did you see the Arcane Bullshit meme about racism-free eldritch alternatives to the lore of HP Lovecraft? That was EPIC!
by King Of Werd May 8, 2021
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