1 definition by Kieran Phillips Tebb

noun~ "the game of legends"
A physical and strategic game derived from rugby involving dropkicking over rugby posts and collecting over the other side before the other team does to earn points!The game is most physical inside the 5 metre lines either side of the posts, the 5 metre line and the dead ball line. In this danger zone players can be tackled, pushed, tripped, jumped on or forced by any means to prevent them from reaching the ball(weapons not aloud)! Outside the two 5 metre lines, players and aloud to obstruct others, leaving only a fott race or lucky bounce or pure bravery to get the ball! Its played by 6 players (three a side) and over 1 set of rugby posts!
"hey, are we going to play NORTON this friday?"
"You took a great catch in Norton"
by Kieran Phillips Tebb April 1, 2008
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