2 definitions by Kent Town Wreckin' Crew

noun: imitation silver. portmanteau of zirconium (an imitation diamond) and silver.

verb: the act of fixing something up so it will pass as authentic, or new, for the purpose of increasing it's apparent value.
noun: dude, i know you aren't about to give your girl that zilver ring you got out of a machine at the grocery store.

verb: man, just zilver it up a little and you'll get a good fifteen bucks for it!
by Kent Town Wreckin' Crew September 2, 2005
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A psychoactive tasty treat made by cooking up generic brand Rice Krispies with concentrated Rockstar energy drink and marshmallows.

Snap = Crispy Rice
Pop = Rockstar
Crack = stuff in Rockstar

other street terms used are SCP, Leprechaun, Knee-Ache, neeyake, and Pre-School Snow.
Sketch: What you need, man?
Chad: Hey man, do you have any of that Snap Crack 'n Pop?
Sketch: Yeah dude, but it's a bit soggy
Chad: aaww!
by Kent Town Wreckin' Crew August 2, 2006
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