1 definition by Karmalac the Discouraged

LSD, ruiner of lives. LSD, champion of honesty. Honesty, ruiner of lives.

Wish I'd never have met the stuff. Could have learned to be social. Wouldn't know anything upsetting or unforgettable. Would still be able to spend time around kids. Would still have friends. Would still enjoy being alive. LSD Ruined My Life.
Say LSD with scorn in your voice to hear this usage.

'LSD sure is "helpful"'
'I'm "really" glad I took so much LSD.'
'I learned a lot from LSD, but man, do I ever feel like a proud little tyke with a ruined life ahead of me now!'
'If it weren't for #$^@# LSD, I could still go out of the house on a Saturday night!'
by Karmalac the Discouraged August 13, 2006
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