Caitlin is amazing. she is literally the best person ever. I will love her for the rest of our lives. Caitlin my heart is yours. Caitlin is low on the que. Caitlin gets through the que. Caitlin gets standing tickets for all her friends. because of Caitlin, her and her friends get to see harry styles. Caitlin is the best person I know. Caitlin I love you.
"I love god"
"who is god? I only know of Caitlin"
"oh- they are the same person, just different names"
by KGYDSFIUR89R4JNHKGFRUG7T8G8UDI September 1, 2022
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Jaisline is an unusual but very pretty name. She likes to keep up with current trends and internet banter (memes). She also suffers from slight depression, however this doesn't stop her from living her life cos "YOLO". Sometimes she can also be quite hyperactive. Bigger the hoops am I right?
"Oh you're such a Jaisline"
by KGYDSFIUR89R4JNHKGFRUG7T8G8UDI January 30, 2018
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